The Pre-Contagion WindowWhen a new engineer starts on a team, something interesting happens. Depending on their level of experience and outspokenness, they will…Nov 30, 20241Nov 30, 20241
Bug-to-Error DistanceI hadn’t articulated this before, but I recently realized that I have an internal metric for assessing bugs and errors.May 21, 20241May 21, 20241
Empathy, articulatedLike everyone and his brother, I’ve been working on a “coach” chat bot. Mostly for fun but also in an attempt to help me personally…Oct 21, 20232Oct 21, 20232
Meme-driven RetrospectivesI gave a talk at BestBrains Academy about cultural differences and using humor when leading teams of engineers.May 8, 20231May 8, 20231
Are you using types when you should be linting?I’m a big fan of static typing. With Kanel, I generate types for Typescript from Postgres databases. That means that the compiler helps me…May 6, 2023May 6, 2023
Strapped to a Rocket: The Impact of AIThis is the third time I am writing about AI. I am not any kind of thought leader on the topic. I think like most people, I am trying to…Apr 6, 20231Apr 6, 20231
Use 98% TailwindCSS, 2% plain CSSYes, it’s awesome. I declared my affection a while ago and it has genuinely altered the way I write frontend code. Everything I loved about…Mar 21, 2023Mar 21, 2023
Beyond The KaleidoscopeGenerated content has been around for ages. I remember dreaming of video games with unlimited territory to explore, with the obvious…Jan 4, 2023Jan 4, 2023
Published inITNEXTAbout index.js Files..Index.js files are a “cute” feature that Ryan Dahl came up with when he designed Node.js. While he officially regrets them, I think they…Dec 20, 2022Dec 20, 2022